The Streets, Black Box Revelation, 't Hof van Commerce and 11 other names added to lineup

Typically, around this time of year, the air conditioning at the Pukkelpop office is working overtime, but for now, we can only look outside with pity and long for the days when 20 degrees was the norm. Better days are coming but in the meantime, we're excited about the new names and the thought that Pukkelpop is almost completely sold out.

A punk poet disguised as a hooligan; a fittingly accurate description of Mike Skinner. With The Streets, he'll be performing on Friday, August 16th, in the Marquee. Same day as his buddy and our headliner, Fred Again... Black Box Revelation, friends of the festival since 2007, will also play on Friday. Jan and Dries now have more backstage anecdotes than anyone else, and the city council is considering naming a square after them. 't Hof van Commerce, straight from the West Flemish ghetto, comes close with their 4 previous performances, the last nearly 20 years ago. Warm reunions, impressive numbers, great bands! Also vibing on Friday: BAVR, DC Noises, Jarreau Vandal, Manz, NAFT, and Zouzibabe.

If you have a ticket for Saturday, you can also enjoy Joyhauser B2B Space 92 and Re-Type. On Sunday, Lilihell and Pegassi were added to the lineup.

If you still want to come to Pukkelpop, you should hurry and buy a Sunday ticket. The rest of the festival has been sold out for months, and now the last day of the festival is nearing every organizer's favorite word: sold out.

Sunday tickets are still available via
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